Monday, March 28, 2011

The Rock

This was a project John worked on this winter at Expeditions. Camp was needing a couple of guest rooms for speakers or band members who need a little more sleep or privacy than the student cabins can offer. They took an old laundry house that had served as a small meeting room, and turned it into 2 guest rooms and a bathroom. I think it turned out really nice.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Expeditions Christmas Party

The Girls in their new Expeditions jackets

Ethan with his goodies

My strange son
Higher Ground

Higher Ground again

A New Start

This is a new start in many ways. A new blog, a new ministry and hopefully a fresh start in the way we communicate with you. We primarily want to use this blog as a place to post pictures and little snippets of what is happening. In the past I have put too much pressure on myself to produce an interesting "read." That led to a lack of posting if I wasn't inspired or didn't have time to think straight. So, mostly you will find pictures, prayer requests or a quick update on what is happening either in our family or the ministry. In addition, when we publish a new newsletter, we will do our best to post it here. Praise God for fresh starts!