to fulfill God’s plan for our nation and for him. So as I look at my own life’s ups and downs, I am thankful because I know that God is using us for something so much bigger than what we see! So on that note, I want to share with you my “thankfulness” list.
We are thankful for you, our supporters! If it wasn’t for you, there would be no ministry and the message of salvation would not be proclaimed through Expeditions.
We are thankful for this last year of moving and upheaval because we are learning to be content, flexible and patient.
We are thankful for lots of time with family members who have passed away this last year. Those precious months will forever remain in our hearts.
We are thankful for a home to live in. After months of closed doors and frustration, God opened the doors to this home that we purchased in September.
We are thankful for John’s chronic back pain because it causes us to rely on God’s strength and grow in our walk with the Lord.
We are thankful that God is in control no matter how bad things may look at times.
We are thankful God continues to use us to minister through Expeditions.
We are thankful for how God is using Expeditions to reach the lost and build up our youth.
We are thankful for the many volunteers who have given of their time to Expeditions. They are always an encouragement to the staff and our family.
We are thankful for all the projects that were funded and completed this last year.
We are thankful that despite a struggling economy, the number of campers continues to rise.
We are thankful for your prayers. Actually we covet them because we can do nothing in our own strength.
Praises, Prayer Requests and Needs
Praise God, it looks as though Expeditions will be given 11 cabins from an old resort. We will be using them to replace some of our aging cabins. Please pray that all the details will fall into place and the actual moving of the buildings will go smoothly.
Praise God, the Ops (operations) Center is up and running thanks to many volunteers, generous donations and man hours. This has created so much more time in everyone’s day. Instead of supplies and tools being stored in several different locations, they are now all under one roof. We also have a place to work on Camp’s vehicles and machinery. What a huge blessing!
Praise God, a church has donated a second broomball rink... a favorite for our winter campers.
Please Pray for healing in John’s back. Every day is a struggle for him and very painful. Nights are no better and we are in desperate need of a new mattress. We are also in need of wisdom concerning treatment.. Every doctor we talk with says he shouldn’t be working in construction anymore. Please pray for God’s direction.
Please Pray that God will raise up new supporters for our family. With the purchase of our “new” home, finances are extremely tight.
May God bless you and draw you closer to himself this season of celebration,